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Scathing - Tolerance Of Treason

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anarchy1999 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 05:14 AM
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Scathing - Tolerance Of Treason
Hard Hitting!

Everyone should read this essay. Why are we tolerating this abuse? Why aren't we all out on the streets? Tens of thousands of Iraqi's yesterday were. Why aren't we?

Tolerance Of Treason
By John E. Hanks

A few years ago I had a chance to read some of Herbert Hoover's business letters. He wrote one to a mine operator in Bolivia in which he insisted that he would not allow bribes to be paid for commercial or political favors. That was Mr. Republican during the 1920's. He was intelligent, compassionate and above all a man of integrity. He could never support today's GOP today, which will use any means to get its ends, including defaming veterans with false charges of cowardice, spreading false rumors, rigging voting machines, and even putting people in harms way. They will take any corporate bribe that comes along. Modern Republicans are completely dishonorable and basically hucksters because they lie constantly knowing they can always cover it up later with publicity campaigns and a tame press.

From Nixon to Reagan to Poppy to Dubya, the GOP has been America's political bully. It has practiced little else but the ancient arts of force, fraud, and treason. However, what truly amazes me is that the Democrats have allowed them to get away with it. Here's an incomplete list:

snip to the end:

If Bush wins this next election he will be king. He has to be a king in order to avoid Leavenworth. If he loses this next election, he must be investigated, arrested and tried, along with most of the members of his criminal administration. We just can't ignore treason again, and especially on this scale.

Our national household has become abusive. Republicans slap everyone around, and the Democrats make excuses and let them off. As long as money rules our elections, the Republicans can commit treason and bully us all with impunity. If we don't get the money out, every election will be like pulling the trigger in a game of Russian roulette. Sooner or later even more vicious people will come to power and make us long for the good old days of the Third Reich.

For the complete essay go to:
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BeHereNow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 02:02 PM
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1. WOW!
Finally, someone points out the REAL problem
which is the one that has me sleepless most nights...
"Sooner or later even more vicious people will
come to power and make us long for the
good old days of the Third Reich."

To me, this is the most frightening consideration.
I have heard another author on this subject say,
" You think these guys are bad?
You aint seen nothing yet...these guys are
simply setting the stage for the REAL dictator and
that guy is gonna make this bunch look like boy scouts..."

All too possible if you ask me.
And just think, the REAL dictator will have
the lovely patriot acts and draft at his disposal.
And by then we we be reduced to jobless slaves
unable to defend ourselves from the jack boots
who in case you have not noticed are in training.
Been through airport security lately?
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