"This Is Not An Endorsement"
January 21, 2004
By The Plaid Adder
http://www.democraticunderground.com/plaidder/04/10.html- - - - - - -
I'd like to propose that at least part of Plaid Adder's article is indeed not an endorsement, but is an indictment of Wesley Clark, Democratic Presidential candidate for 2004.
I generally find myself nodding in agreement with the Plaid Adder's commentary, but in this case, I was disappointed to see that she may have succumbed to a pernicious malaise that affects many liberals and progressives, an affliction I call the F-O-M, "Fear of the Military".
I myself am a progressive. I possess a healthy wariness when it comes to military matters. But in General Wesley Clark, I do not see a warmonger. I see a leader who represents "all that we can be" in the best sense of the phrase. Not a slogan, but the real deal. The gold standard.
I challenge DU'ers to discuss what really seems to be the obstacle in their path preventing them from making a reasoned assessment of Wes Clark's viability as President of the United States: their fear of the military.
For example:
Do you think America should have a military?
If America should have a military, then what kind of military should it be?
And I also challenge you to do your homework and see that the attacks on Clark are unfounded, once you get the whole story. No 15 second soundbites, but the whole story. He deserves that. And so do we.