... the Pensacola News Journal. Local right wingers call it "liberal", but in truth, it's moderate at best. They can't afford to upset too many readers in this, the most conservative part of Florida.
Yet in today's editorial about Bush's SOTU (
http://www.pensacolanewsjournal.com/news/012204/Opinion/ST001.shtml), they are unabashedly critical, on every front:
"The most noticeable - and disappointing - aspect of President Bush's State of the Union speech is not what he said, but what he didn't say. The president did not say why we haven't found any Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, or the infrastructure needed to build and store them."
"Meanwhile, while he promised to "cut the deficit in half over the next five years," he didn't say that even in doing so he will still add over $1,000,000,000,000 to the national debt - on top of the more than $1 trillion in red ink that will have rung up during his first four years in office. In his State of the Union speech last year, President Bush said that "We will not pass along our problems to other Congresses, to other presidents, and other generations.
This year, he did not say who will pay back that $2 trillion if not other Congresses, other presidents and other generations."
"At the very least, the president owes it to the American people to explain how the Iraqi WMD arsenal, which in last year's State of the Union speech he said posed "a serious and mounting threat to our country," was transformed to "weapons of mass destruction- related program activities."Harsh stuff for a local paper in a conservative area. Gives me hope.