Letter to the editor of my hometown paper:
January 24, 2004
Editor, the Advocate:
Re "Yoakum businessman questions use of force policy," Jan. 15:
On Dec 12, Mother (age 76) was going to work. She passed a police car going the opposite way. In her mirror, she saw he had turned on the overhead lights. She thought he had received a call and was pursuing it. She arrived at work.
The officer pulled up behind her. He said something, but she couldn't hear him. It was still dark outside, so she told him to come inside if he needed to speak to her. When he came in, he told Mother he needed her to come outside to speak to him. Feeling safer inside, she told him he should speak to her inside. The officer asked her if she knew she was going 34 in a 30 mph zone. She didn't.
When she wouldn't go outside with him, he informed her he was going to arrest her. He grabbed her right arm. Years ago, Mother broke her right shoulder in three places. Doctors were sure she would lose the use of her arm. With determination, doing the assigned exercises faithfully, her arm has limited movement.
She frantically tried struggling out of his grasp, telling him to please not put her arm behind her because it would break. He told her he had heard that before. She was told she grabbed the handcuffs from his hand but doesn't remember that. She had to keep him from putting her arm behind her.
She ended up on the ground with the officer trying to restrain her. While she was begging him to stop and telling him he was hurting her, he sprayed Mother in the face with pepper spray. As he radioed for backup, Mother was desperately calling out to the dispatcher for help.
The backup officer arrived and told the officer to take the cuffs off. (She was handcuffed in the front.) The backup officer had my brother called.
When Jimmy arrived, the officer told him Mother had been going 41 in a 30 mph zone.
The following week, Yoakum's city manager and chief of police came to Mother's home. The city manager apologized for the excessive use of force. The chief of police said the officer was suspended 10 days without pay.
I pray something like this doesn't happen to other citizens.
http://www.thevictoriaadvocate.com/opinion/letters/story/1638886p-1929090c.htmlOnly 10 days without pay? How about firing him for stupidity?