What's next? That's a good question, as we have no reason to believe that they will stop at the massacres of 9/11 and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.
If 9/11 was Bush's Reichstag Fire (1936/2001), then we are in the period that Churchill called "The Gathering Storm". Jennifer van Bergen has concluded that the The Bush Plan for America has us 3/4 of the way down the road to Fascism. We agree, as all of the elements of a Police State have long been put into place, and 9/11 is proof that the American people will quietly submit to the most egregious acts of barbarism and deception without even asking What Really Happened.
Based on our now quite substantial experience analyzing 9/11, as well as previous acts of American State Terrorism, we feel can start to discern the path that the rest of Road to Tyranny with take:
Ashcroft's Patriot Act 2 has been waiting in the wings, and now is being passed by stealth. George Bush's favourite lapdog is introducing similar legislation before the British Parliament that gives police the right to detain anyone in the 'vicinity' of a suspected bioterrorist attack, and to extend existing powers to detain foreign terror suspects without trial to all British subjects. The Draconian move could result in Britons who fall under suspicion spending years in jail without charges. The new powers will be introduced as amendments to the already controversial Civil Contingencies Bill (CCB). The Canadian version, 37/2 C-17 was passed by the House of Commons 7 October 2003. ....
http://www.911review.org/Wiki/WhatsNext.shtmlSums up where we are under Bushit, where we've been and the where we're probably headed. Scary. Suggests that the October surprise might come in the form of a staged biological attack. Lots of great links.
As I write this I am listening to an old radio interview of Michael Ruppert -- boy is he good. Extremely cogent.