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The global fight for top talent

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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-04-07 11:34 AM
Original message
The global fight for top talent

I've nothing spectacular to highlight; the entire article is a very good read.

What are your thoughts?

Okay, there are two paragraphs I'll excerpt:

Why isn't the United States more serious about the key competitive advantage of the Info Age, education? How to make human capital more valuable is no mystery, yet the world's richest country still has nowhere near the world's best education system. That means trouble that will only get worse.

The answers are probably obvious, but I'm amused the article doesn't take even a tokenism in adumbrating the possibilities.

What, ultimately, is a national economy? Is it good for a country if its companies prosper by offshoring high-value intellectual work? What if a nation's high-value employees are working in that nation for other nations' companies? Or if highly skilled immigrants perform high-value work and send their earnings home? The answers aren't obvious, but they are important.

Oh, I'd say some of these answers might be obvious too...

(xposted from GD)
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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-04-07 02:46 PM
Response to Original message
1. The Obvious Reasons
1. Cheap labor. Education paid for by other nations, salaries based on overseas living costs and living standards, lack of union organizing, lack of governmental regulation, cronyism and corruption, no OSHA, etc. etc.

2. Put the squeeze on the American people. How dare they try to be equal partners and not slaves?

3. Deregulation. Companies can do what they wish and rob us blind.

Any I missed?
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