truth finally comes out: Iran halted its nuclear weapons development in 2003. Flash! The truth just got a little 'truer'. Suddenly, we go from an emergency-lead-up-to-bombing-Iran footing to an "it-was-all-just-a-false-alarm" (except maybe they might still do it, so we need to be ready to bomb them anyway) footing.
Is it just me, or has this gone from already alarming now to an emergency need to remove Mr. Bush et al from office ASAP?
This morning I saw the "President"'s news conference in which the question was asked 'how can the US have any credibility left after the recent saber rattling, in light of this new evidence of no weapons program?" Mr. Bush had the effrontery to, with a straight face, claim that it was HIS reforms of the intelligence community which made the CIA finally able to tell the truth and come clean with this knowledge and give the American public its 'right to know'...How stupid does he think the public is? I guess pretty stupid. After all, we elected him TWICE, knowing he was a lying, prevaricating, sociopathic, blameshifing, jingoist war-mongering piece of work...51 percent of our moronic population re-elected this man.Can you imagine? RE means TWICE. Well, first time he was appointed by the Supreme Court. But in any case, I guess Mr. Bush is spending his political capital and feels authorized to insult our communal intelligence, such as it is, whatever is left among the American public.
The only slightly comforting fact is that almost half of us DIDN'T vote for this chimpanzee. But that is scant comfort, a broken country and a few trillion dollars in debt later. And the damage just keeps on piling up, seeing we will all of us, guilty or not, be paying forever the national debt and paying for the harm this liar is doing on all fronts to our economy, our country, our people, our reputation (what's left of it) and our ability to do anything but evil in the world. When a true emergency comes along, nobody in the international community will believe us anymore.
Bush/Cheney cried 'wolf wolf war war' too many times and killed over a million people in a trumped up war to boot. But that was just "an intelligence failure' (wasn't Bush Administration's fault, it was that stupid ol' CIA)....I want to let out a primal scream: GAAAWWWWDDD! Why is this idiot still in office?
Someone should thank God and the courageous journalists who allowed this new, truer truth to come to light. Thank heaven above for whatever CIA whistleblower let this story out. If it had been up to Bush/Cheney war-monger cabal, the public never would have known about this latest version of the official facts. These war-cowboys would have continued to make the case to bomb Iran, had they had their way.
If this doesn't tell you that something is seriously amiss in this Administration, I don't know what will. Somebody ought to take the Bush administration, lock-stock-n-barrel by the scruff of the neck and hand them over to a war crimes tribunal in the Hague, just like what was done to Milosevic of Serbia; just hand them over for prosecution....Someone please tell me why this jackass president hasn't been impeached, including the hand-rubbing, sidewinder, 'Evil Dick Cheney' to boot. And Karl Rove as a bonus should be called out of his revisionist retirement to be called on the carpet too.
Authors Bio:
I am a disabled man living in northern California who cares about the future of our country and I am distressed over the downward spiral in our social and political culture.