Buck Stops With CIA, Not Administration
Agency Outraged At David Kay's Recent 'Premature' Assessment
POSTED: 6:37 p.m. EST January 30, 2004
WASHINGTON -- The nation's capital is still reeling from the firestorm set off by retired weapons inspector David A. Kay after he fingered faulty U.S. intelligence for the now-discredited White House claim that Saddam Hussein had large stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction.
His targeted culprit, the CIA, is outraged over the Kay attack.
President Bush told reporters that he wants to know "the facts" about intelligence failures concerning Saddam's alleged arsenal but he's not curious enough to endorse an independent commission inquiry that Kay recommended. Instead, Bush said he wants the weapons hunters to keep looking.
Condoleeza Rice, the president's national security adviser, wants us to move on. It doesn't matter if there were no weapons, she says.