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mac2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-05-04 06:51 PM
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Voucher failed in Texas with fraud and abuse and now in Florida. Same thing happened in Cleveland. DA. See link:

Why isn't the Congress doing something about this fraud by religious groups? Who cares...Jim Baker type criminals are not a one time event. With that much money, many people have their fingers in the kitty.

Is that a surprise? The Bush family should be up on RICO charges before GW Bush leaves office. We (the tax payers) will never recover the money they stolen from us since 2000. Once he is out of office..they won't prosecute the bank they go with a smile on their face. We the tax payers are left with the mess and poverty.

Americans do not trust religious groups with their money by a large margin. Yet Congress ignores them for political gain. How is that for giving away our dollars for votes...and destruction of our budget...our democracy. It's unconstitutional...but that's not important in Washington DC these days.

Politicians gathered today to have a National Prayer Day. What are they praying for? It certainly isn't peace or democracy. They're probably praying we don't put them in jail for all their corruption and mischief.

We are being destroyed from within by our own...not from without by foreigners or terrorists.
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