WHAT PUNDITS LEFT OUT..............shhhhhhh
C. McClendon
http://writers.forclark.com/story/2004/2/5/145913/8276A few weeks ago, I realized that Democracy in America is broken. Nothing I can do will ever be enough to overcome that fact; I have no power.
News channels and commentator have assigned themselves the task of selecting my Democratic presidential nominee. They have decided that Senator John Kerry and Senator John Edwards are my picks. The talking heads declare that voters are deciding, but I don't see it quite that way.
When I turn on my cable or open the New York Times, I am assaulted with images of a Stoic Kerry or a charming Edwards. Headlines scream their names and cameras follow them around 24/7; for sure I cannot miss them.
Who would be best to stand against George Bush in November? I've not decided.
That's when I realize that I don't know enough about General Wes Clark, because the national media have made no attempt to inform me about him. But, but, but, I think...... Why would that be? This is a Four Star liberal General who grew up in the South (like Edwards), a military hero wounded in Vietnam (like Kerry), is a foreign policy expert (unlike the other two) and has Commander In Chief experience (like Bush)? Whoa....this guy helped negotiate a peace treaty, commandeered a war where not a soldier was lost (unlike Bush)? But get this, he's not an ordinary military yes-man; he actually had enough cojones to tell the Pentagon Brass to get lost. Good, I don't want a rigid militaristic President after all.
The more I read, the more I see. Medal of Freedom? Rhode scholar? Masters in Economics, Philosophy and Politics from Oxford? First in his class at West Point? White House Fellow? College Economics Professor? Served under bipartisan administrations? 34 years of service to our Nation? Wow, I'm floored! Heck, this guy could beat Bush!
So now that I have made my little discovery, my question is, why aren't the pundits pushing this guy 24/7?
Oh, I get it now.....shhhhh.......
He really is the one that could beat Bush.