Millions of parents shared satisfaction or disappointment as their schoolchildren brought home report cards recently.
All of us should be deeply disturbed by the report card our government has received for its reason for going to war in Iraq (news - web sites).
"We were almost all wrong," former chief U.S. weapons inspector David Kay said about President Bush (news - web sites)'s repeated claim that Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) had weapons of mass destruction that posed an imminent threat to us.
"Almost all wrong" means an "F" on any report card.
This week, Bush said he would appoint a committee to take a year or so to figure out why we flunked Iraq and whom to blame.
What Bush needs to understand: Nearly all of us think Iraq is better off without Saddam in power. But most are beginning to wonder whether it was worth the mounting price in lives and monumental dollars. And now many think the pre-war WMD scare was stupid or trumped up or both.