"The U.S. news media may have trouble looking beyond the
trivia of politics – from John Kerry’s wrinkles to Howard
Dean’s arm-waving – but American voters seem tired of those
distractions. Indeed, many now see the stakes in November as
monumental: a choice between a world that cooperates on
environmental, economic and security challenges versus one
that promises endless war, deepening economic disparity and
neglect of environmental dangers like global warming.
From the intensity of voter interest in the early Democratic presidential race,
it appears “the Democratic base” as well as many political independents
sense that what’s at stake may be nothing short of the future of
the American democratic experiment and a healthy planet, possibly a last
chance to avert catastrophe.
To these voters, Election 2004 is shaping up as a real-life Lord of the
Rings’s “battle for middle earth.” Disparate groups – anti-war activists,
“deficit hawks,” civil libertarians, union members, environmentalists and
other traditional grassroots supporters of the Democratic Party – are trying
to unite for one last, desperate battle against a political Sauron, represented
by George W. Bush and a Republican administration that even Bush’s first
Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill has concluded is detached from reality and
a threat to the future.
* * * *
Like much else, this sense of urgency has been mischaracterized by the
mainstream media and conservative pundits as an irrational hatred of Bush.
Instead, the reaction of the Democratic base reflects a far more rational
sense of foreboding. Bush and the neo-conservative ideologues who
surround him appear to be putting in place a radically different kind of
political system than what Americans have known, one that supplants facts
and reasoned debate with bogus information and ideological rants, backed
by punishments for those who dissent or simply disagree."
http://www.consortiumnews.com/2004/020304.htmlA MUST READ which delineates the true stakes of this election. The man makes clear that nothing less than the future survival of our democracy is at stake.