Of the 128 programs that President Bush would curtail or eliminate in his 2005 budget, 13 are on the chopping block for the most basic of reasons: The administration believes they are not getting the job done.
They are among 400 evaluated over the last two years in an Office of Management and Budget initiative designed to more directly tie budgets to performance. Officials use the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART), a 30-question survey, to evaluate such matters as whether a program is well-designed, resources can be managed effectively and results are reported with accuracy.
"Government programs, however worthy their goals, should demonstrate they are actually effective at solving problems," according to Bush's 2005 budget. ". . . . If we are not meeting our goals, then we should do something differently to address the shortfall."
The administration wants to shutter 13 programs deemed ineffective or unable to demonstrate results. Their combined budgets surpass $1 billion.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A30493-2004Feb10.htmlFunny, when you look at the list of what they're going to cut, they're all programs aimed at helping the disadvantaged, ensuring that justice is just, etc. None of them are related to aiding corporate interests. What a coincidence!