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The Republican “Better Qualifed To Lead Us In War” Myth Is Crapola!

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 08:14 AM
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The Republican “Better Qualifed To Lead Us In War” Myth Is Crapola!

The Republican “Better Qualifed To Lead Us In War” Myth Is Crapola!
by Stephen Rose | July 17, 2008

If you honestly believe the Republicans are actually qualified to wage war, and better than the Democrats, you might just want to invest in that sinking golf course in the Everglades, the one with lots of water traps! I actually put more credence in the Tooth Faery and the Great Pumpkin. And speaking of Florida (the land of denied voters), there is a moronic (and/or perhaps just sleazy) businessman there who recently put up a huge billboard displaying a picture of the twin towers burning in NYC with the caption, “Please Don't Vote for a Democrat.”

HUH!?!?!?! What am I missing? Oh right, the myth that Republicans will keep us safer (COUGH)…


Obama was in favor of the notion of a timetable for removal of our troops in Iraq, something that is, guess what, now being demanded by the Iraqi government, and considered by the Bush Administration and the Pentagon. Also, Obama said he would be willing to strike Al Qaeda inside Pakistan. “If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won’t act, we will.” Well guess what again? According to the International Herald Tribune on June 11, “American air and artillery strikes killed 11 Pakistani paramilitary soldiers during a clash with insurgents on the Afghan border on Tuesday night, a development that raised concerns about the already strained American relationship with Pakistan.” Well….DOOOOH!?!?!

And if you believe you have heard it all, John McCain’s proposed model for policy in an ever-problematic Afghanistan is the same awesome plan that has been so successful in Iraq. My God!!! This is the same guy whose Iran policy sounded like “bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran,” and who thought it was okay to spend another 100 years in Iraq, even if there were no Americans getting killed, and regardless of whether or not the Iraqis want us there.

McCain is even suggesting we create a “separate Czar” for Afghanistan. He believes one war czar (what happened to the military leadership and the Commander in Chief?) is not enough for both Iraq and Afghanistan. This is really hilarious. When is the last time there was even any reference to the present War Czar appointed by Bush; and now we need two? Perhaps there would be no need to send any more brigades to Afghanistan if Iraq had not become involved in this whole mix in the first place? Yeah right, the Republicans know what they are doing concerning their war on terrorism.

The only possible reason I can think of as to why the Republicans have this reputation for being tough or efficient in war must be that they always talk loud and long about national security and defense, and love to spend more money on the military than all the other nations in the world combined. But incessant talking and spending lots of money obviously do not automatically translate into knowing how to execute a war. Beating up a second-rate military power during the initial phases of war in Kuwait and Iraq is not enough. War necessitates being able to finish what is started, and amazingly, even having plans to do so.

So please, enough of this asinine myth that Republicans know how to wage war and will keep us safer, and Democrats do not, and will not. It’s not only a bunch of crap, but painfully embarrassing as well, not to mention, extremely counterproductive.

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woodsprite Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 08:16 AM
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1. Wouldn't "Better able to lead us into war." be more accurate? n/t
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dkf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 08:20 AM
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2. Why does anyone have confidence in McCain is my question.
When I hear him talk all I can think is that I'm not sure who is more intelligent, George Bush or John McCain. Both sound unimpressive.
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Joe Chi Minh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 04:21 PM
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3. The right always seems to have a vested interest in making war; and it's
Edited on Thu Jul-17-08 04:21 PM by KCabotDullesMarxIII
not rocket science that for the mass of the people, preventing national right wings from whipping up wars of aggression requires a bloodless civil war by the people against THEM, and that beats any other kind of war for the benefits it affords.

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Joe Chi Minh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 05:14 PM
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4. 'The Republican “Better Qualifed To Lead Us In War” Myth Is Crapola!' That thread
header just reminded me of Kurosawa's film based on Macbeth, called Throne of Blood; in particular, the scene in which the wife of one of the very powerful Japanese warlords very submissively and very patiently explains to him the dangers he will be facing when next he goes into battle, dangers not just from the enemy, but from renegades in his own army.

The funniest line is the clincher, when he says, "Ah, but I'll have my men right behind me." And she replies, as always very softly and meekly, "Yes, and you will have arrows shot at you from the front... and arrows shot at you from behind." Each new revelation seems to knock him for six. Absolutely hilarious! Reminds me of the primary school playground, really.

As the Aussies say, pointing to their head, "This is for thinking", and then pointing at their feet, "... and these are for crushing grapes (or dancing).
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