The author directs the journalism program at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego (a Christian school). I think it's a worthwhile viewpoint.
By Dean Nelson
July 17, 2008
...In 2005, Danish newspapers published editorial cartoons (which by definition exist to poke fun, provoke, make us uncomfortable, make us think, and maybe even make us laugh) depicting the prophet Muhammad as a terrorist, and most people got the satire. The ones who didn't took great offense, to the extreme of issuing death threats, bombing buildings and starting riots that have killed dozens of people.
Those cartoons took a point of view and made such a mockery of it that no reasonable person could take it to literally mean that the cartoonists or newspapers really thought that Muhammad was a terrorist. The point was that some people were using Muhammad as an excuse to do offensive and terrible things. I got the joke, but then it wasn't my beliefs or actions that were being criticized. It wasn't my ox....
...I do remember wincing the first time I saw the Monty Python movie “The Life of Brian,” when a number of people were crucified along with Brian, who some thought had claimed he was the Messiah. When all of those on crosses began singing and whistling “Always look on the bright side of life,” I shook my head and wondered why everyone around me was laughing. As a Christian, I wondered, what is so funny?...
...But when I saw a National Lampoon magazine cover of a very sad-looking puppy with a gun held to its head and the headline said, “If you don't buy this magazine, we'll shoot this dog,” I laughed out loud. It was so absurd that it struck me funny. But then, I've never had a dog shot in the head....