In case you've been wondering why the AP has suddenly been so different lately. . changes instituted by new head, Ron Fournier
Johnson. .. regards Fournier, who replaced her in a hard-feelings shake-up in May, as a threat to one of the most influential institutions in American journalism.
“I loved the Washington bureau,” said Johnson, who left the AP after losing the prestigious position. “I just hope he doesn’t destroy it.”
. . high-stakes experiment at the 162-year old wire to move from its signature neutral and detached tone to an aggressive, plain-spoken style of writing that Fournier often describes as “cutting through the clutter.”
In the stories the new boss is encouraging, first-person writing and emotive language are okay.
So is scrapping the stonefaced approach to journalism that accepts politicians’ statements at face value and offers equal treatment to all sides of an argument. . .
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“It seems to me there’s a conscious effort to inject bias in the story, though obviously Fournier would see it differently,” Taranto told Politico. “It’s a conscious move in the direction of advocacy journalism.”
However it’s described, it’s clear Fournier’s voice has drawn favorable treatment from the Drudge Report, which has linked to eight of his articles already this year, each in a standout format with his name in all caps and no mention of the AP . . .