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The Greatest Bank Robbery of the Century By William Helbig

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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 06:53 PM
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The Greatest Bank Robbery of the Century By William Helbig


When George W. Bush came into office in 2001, The Federal Reserve, replete with its ambiguous status, had Alan Greenspan as its chairperson. Interest rates were brought down to all-time record lows, and the money supply, designated M1, was increased to accommodate the expected record borrowing that was about to begin in this so-called republican revolution. In other words, the economy was flooded with cash hot off the Federal Reserve System’s printing presses. Housing appreciated to record levels, and consumers did not hesitate to borrow on these inflated numbers. September 11, 2001 accelerated the borrowing as homeowners in New York City, for example, where buying second homes in Northeastern Pennsylvania, getting second mortgages on the inflated value of their primary homes. These second homes in the country were purchased, driven by the government’s color-coded terror alert system, as a safe-haven from another possible terrorist attack in the city. Amid all of this borrowing frenzy, tax rates were cut to ostensibly make the republicans look like the good guys in what turns out to be the greatest bank robbery of the new millennium. The centerpiece of this housing and sub-prime financial disaster, and the starting point of a very weird sequence of events, begins in August of 2007....Let us begin with a singular event initiated by Karl Rove, as he submitted his resignation as presidential advisor in August 2007. People usually resign from their jobs for a limited number of reasons, but in this particular case, one could speculate that he simply did not agree with how leadership in the White House was planning the final stage of events in the Middle East. However, his resignation marks the beginning of a weird sequence of related events that get stranger in a sequential fashion.

On August 27, 2007 an entity, or entities, had taken an extremely deep position in the US and European stock markets with both puts and calls, (Short selling), to the tune of billions of dollars. This Option contract began on August 27, and expired on September 21, 2007. Similar insider trading occurred just weeks before the attacks of September 11, 2001 targeting both the parent companies of United and American airlines, and other industries associated with the airline sector. Whoever placed these puts and calls was betting that the markets would move downward by at least 50 percent of present values in August and September of 2007, and in this contract period, the downward movement of the markets would make these options extremely profitable. Only a world-shattering event like a terrorist attack would provide the catalyst for such a market move. Stock traders at the Chicago Board of Option Exchange call these unusual transactions “Bin Laden” option trades, in reference to the fact that perhaps another terrorist attack was in the works against American targets. On the other hand, perhaps, another, more ghastly event was about to take place.

As fantastic as this seems, elements of the United States Government had most likely planned to bomb Iran with nuclear-tipped Advanced Cruise Missiles in the period from August 27 to September 21, 2007. On August 30, 2007, a B-52 bomber traveled from an Air Force base in North Dakota to an Air Force base in Louisiana with the above-mentioned payload. What is unusual about this trip is the fact that the transportation of live nuclear weapons across the United States is a violation of U.S. Air Force regulations. When the plane landed at the Barksdale Air Force base in Louisiana, Air Force personnel immediately quarantined the bomber. There were unconfirmed reports of gunfire and casualties of Air Force personnel. The B-52 bomber, with its nuclear payload, now secured and quarantined in Louisiana, with the details leaked to the American public, was going nowhere. An Air Force bureaucrat can write off this singular event as a mistake, and it was widely reported in the media as such, but when other strange events begin to coincide within this period, scrutiny must be applied. An excellent analysis of this event can be found in Michael Salla’s article, with the original content at , titled "Was a Covert Attempt to Bomb Iran with Nuclear Weapons foiled by a military Leak?" In this sequence of weird events, Israel bombs Syria on September 6, 2007 in an unprovoked attack. This singular event, secret at first, became public knowledge with lots of fanfare by everyone involved, but not all parties involved ever revealed the mystery target. In fact, as of this writing, it is still a mystery as to what was bombed in Syria. There is speculation of a North Korean / Syrian nuclear site, a large ammunition depot, and/or some very large and unsightly boulders in a vast area of empty desert that urgently needed bombing, or perhaps they would roll into Israel, with great destructive power. There is also speculation that perhaps Israel was attempting to initiate, in tandem with the B-52 bomber and its nuclear-tipped Cruise missiles, a planned attack on both Syria and Iran, thereby beginning hostilities in the Middle East and starting World War 3. However, some courageous military personnel at Barksdale Air Force base blew the whistle on live Nuclear-tipped Cruise missiles under the wings of a B-52 bomber, thereby preventing the beginning of World War 3. It is also seemingly possible that Israel knew of the grounding of the B-52 bomber and may have been attempting to influence world markets by its bombing of Syria. In any case, this strategy did not work and markets remained relatively flat.
Another weird event is reported in the September 9, 2007 edition of the Russian newspaper Pravda. According to the article, American Spy satellite downed in Peru as US nuclear attack on Iran thwarted, a super-secret KH – 13 US spy satellite was apparently brought out of orbit by the US military for the singular purpose of destroying the satellite to prevent it from being used for targeting the above mentioned Cruise missiles somewhere in Iran. The satellite apparently crashes in Peru with reports of hundreds sickened by possible radiation poisoning. The article continues with the possibility of a large divide between the American Military establishment and the Bush/Cheney/Rice junta in the White House.

And lastly, more weird news as Qatar ups its stake on September 23, 2007, in the London Stock Exchange to nearly 24 percent and the United Arab Emirates’ Borse Dubai buys a 28 percent holding from NASDAQ as part of a deal to take over jointly, Nordic operator, OMX. This would appear to the uninitiated, possibly, as a billion dollar bailout. The irony is United States spends roughly $700 billion per year purchasing oil and natural gas from the Middle Eastern oil giants, then labels them terrorists, and then asks them to loan money to stabilize their financial institutions. (A sitcom could be made from this incredibly bizarre story!)...How do all of these weird events relate to the Housing and sub-prime crisis? The mystery people who placed the put option contracts, and who ultimately lost their shirts when the contracts expired, are now apparently looking to make up for staggering losses in their portfolios. Is it possible that elements of the US government, such as the Fed and CIA, were involved in such a nefarious insider trading scandal?......more at link

Greider, William. Secrets of the Temple. Touchstone. New York: Touchstone, 1987

Phillips, Kevin. Bad Money. New York: Penguin Group, 2008.

Shanker, Sitaraman & Robinson, Blaise. Did SocGen trades trigger a market rout, Fed cut? Reuters

Rob, Gregg. Treasury details key role in Bear Sterns bailout. MarketWatch. April 2, 2008.

“Three Ways to Avoid Wall Street”, Monday Morning, November 9, 2007.

Vonnegut, Kurt. A Man without a Country. New York: Random House, 2007.

Authors Bio: I hold several degress from the Pennsylvania State University and I love to research what most people call conspiracies. For example, the JFK assassination and 911, and vCJD (Mad Cow disease), to name a few. I have come to realize that we in America do not live in a democracy, but a rule by a small corrupt majority which happens to be filthy rich - the same people who brought us the genocide of the Native Americans, slavery, and endless perpetual wars as part of a national energy strategy for the United States by the collusion of energy corporations and the US Military. My primary goal is to help expose these people who start all of the wars, become bloated with wealth, from the backs of the destitute poor soldiers, and try to make the world a better place for humanity by helping cure the sick, discovering new forms of energy, and to make warfare illegal on planet Earth. The human species has now evolved enough to know better, and we need leaders to show us the way, as we can have heaven here on Earth, not some form of a deranged idea of heaven in some parts of outer space, which extremists of all forms are dying to get into.

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Hotler Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 08:29 PM
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1. Thanks for the great read.
I'm a sucker for this stuff. Hollywood couldn't write these stories. Treasonous, thieving thugs run this country and shit almost always comes back around to point at the Bush clan. I like to find out more about the other crooks involved. Ever read any Stew Webb, Al Martin, or Rodney Stich, Sherman Skolnick????
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dougolat Donating Member (78 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 10:54 PM
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2. Thank You!, like the Savings and Loan bailout...
when the public got raped for half a trillion, the bad guys kept their ill-gotten gains, and no lesson was learned: we're bailing out FannieMay, Freddy Mack, and others' mess. Private profit and public loss!
Late summer 2007, wasn't Admiral Fallon taking brave steps to derail the Iran provocation? They got rid of him, now, but his actions live on, thank God.
I hope someday we get to hear about the heroes at Barksdale AFB, and it captures the public imagination like Flight 93.
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flashl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-23-08 04:23 AM
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3. "The Greatest Bank Robbery of the Century". That's why ALL of the economic models appear to fail. nt
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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-23-08 04:33 AM
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4. This is a nightmare!
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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-23-08 05:19 AM
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5. How About One More Rec?
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scarletwoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-23-08 06:12 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. Here you go. (nt)
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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-23-08 06:13 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. Thanks!
If you liked this (what's to like) stop in at the Stock Market Watch Thread every business day.
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biermeister Donating Member (425 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-23-08 07:16 AM
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8. k&r- thanks
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bluesmail Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-23-08 09:27 AM
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9. I've never figured out who profited by the 9/11 put options
this article gets close to revealing ~who~ profited, :tinfoilhat: and goes further into the story of The Barksdale fiasco. I've already recommended it, so here's an additional :kick: to boot.
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