Stern hasn't said anything in 20 years that anyone with a spare brain cell is obliged to respect. For all of his puerile attempts at humor, nothing he concocts with his studio cronies has the sting of morally subversive truth.
It's more likely that opportunism and not moral outrage has driven a corporate behemoth with business before the Federal Communications Commission to divest itself of an irritant who has, in recent weeks, upped his criticism of the Bush administration after nearly a year of mindless boosterism of its Iraq policy.
The born-again moralists at Texas-based Clear Channel have figured out an ingenious way to curry favor with the White House and its flunkies at the FCC. In the wake of the hysteria created by Janet Jackson's decision to bare a single middle-aged breast during the Super Bowl, paying lip service to a zero-tolerance policy for indecency while whacking a loudmouth Bush critic is more than enough to pass for "reform" these days.