Gregory Mankiw, chairman of President Bush's Council of Economic Advisers, got himself and the Indians into political hot water for saying outsourcing is a good thing, and from his perspective it is.
The budget for the CEA is $4 million a year. Surely there are talented Indian economists who would do the job for, say, $500,000 a year? How difficult can it be to give economic advice to a president who has only one economic idea -- tax cuts?
CEOs' pay has notoriously gone way out of proportion to that of the foot soldiers, the ones whose jobs are being shipped to India. According to one recent survey of 57 companies, the average CEO's salary was $818,000; annual bonus, $1.06 million; value of exercisable stock options, $8.3 million.
Once again, we could turn to the 1 billion Indians for CEOs who would be happy to have half the pay, half the bonus and forget the options. And thanks to instantaneous telecommunications, they could do it from New Delhi.
Nothing like cheap imports to drive prices down.
Dale McFefatters is a Washington-based columnist for Scripps Howard News Service.