a post from the nytimes discussion board:
aurelio23a - 12:34 PM ET March 14, 2004 (#7171 of 7175)
Late Saturday afternoon at Camp David is often conducive to reflection and meditation. Especially if there are no guests that, after an afternoon of golf, insist on an extended nineteen hole caucus. This time there was only the President, Dick and Laura in the ample lounge. The President sat in front of the picture window looking out toward the creek on the left of the 4th fairway. Dick was engrossed in adding column after column of numbers in his laptop while Laura was busy with her Chinese Ouija Board. She spoke:
“You guys seem to have screwed up the works in this here Yew Hess Ay. My Ouija is telling me things I really do not wish to hear, or read”
The President remained silent but Dick turned his head and said:
“Laura you are again paying attention to that leftist, liberal decrepit Ouija board. Things could not be better. Georgie just announced the miraculous recovery of the economy after all those years of economic debauchery as practiced by the last President, what is his name”
The President smiled and said: “Not only that but I have won two wars for the US, liberated millions of people, created millions of jobs here and abroad, especially abroad, reached Mars, found Saddam, let some gays marry, kept Greenspan from giving away the store, assured the boomers of juicy pensions and free Viagra and helped the oil industry get back on its feet”
“At five bucks a gallon of gas? Georgie are you well?”
“Just fine, thank you. And, by the way dear, get ready for another four years at the White House. I feel it in my bones!”
“I wouldn’t be too sure, Georgie. People can also read Ouija boards”
Dick smiled at the exchange and observed:
“My father used to say that every election must have a theme, a shadow and a spring. We are ready to do battle!”
“What is the spring for?”
“Remember Florida?”
They all laughed. Then the President asked the First Lady:
“By the way, where did you get that Ouija board?”
“It was a gift from Maureen Dowd!”