Great piece, very insightful and thought-provoking. Giant Hissing Sound You Hear Is Capitol Hill Giving Up Its Clout
By Robert G. Kaiser
Sunday, March 14, 2004; Page B01Today is the 74th day of 2004; the House of Representatives has been in session for 21 days this year, and has accomplished almost nothing. So far, House committees have held few substantive meetings or significant oversight hearings.
In fundamental ways that have gone largely unrecognized, Congress has become less vigilant, less proud and protective of its own prerogatives, and less important to the conduct of American government than at any time in decades. "Congress has abdicated much of its responsibility," Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel said in a recent conversation. "It could become an adjunct to the executive branch."
Hagel is no disaffected Democrat frustrated by the imperious GOP leadership. He is a conservative Republican admired by colleagues in both parties for his thoughtfulness and independence. He admits that he is atypical in his concern for Congress's constitutional role as a check on, and a balance to, the presidency and the judiciary. "Congress is the only thing that stands in the way between essentially a modern-day democratic dictator and a president who is accountable to the people," he says.