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America now thinks it's God - The US is no longer just a nation.

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dArKeR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-01-03 03:13 AM
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America now thinks it's God - The US is no longer just a nation.
Few people believe that the resistance in that country is being coordinated by former president Saddam Hussein and his noxious family, or that it will come to an end when those people are killed. But the few appear to include the military and civilian command of the US armed forces. For the hundredth time since the US invaded Iraq, the predictions made by those with access to intelligence have proved less reliable than the predictions made by those without. And, for the hundredth time, the inaccuracy of the official forecasts has been blamed on "intelligence failures."

The explanation is wearing a little thin. Are we really expected to believe that the members of the US security services are the only people who cannot see that many Iraqis wish to rid themselves of the US army as fervently as they wished to rid themselves of Saddam? What is lacking in the Pentagon and the White House is not intelligence (or not, at any rate, of the kind we are considering here), but receptivity. Theirs is not a failure of information, but a failure of ideology.
To understand why this failure persists, we must first grasp a reality which has seldom been discussed in print. The US is no longer just a nation. It is now a religion. Its soldiers have entered Iraq to liberate its people not only from their dictator, their oil and their sovereign...

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Stanchetalarooni Donating Member (838 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-01-03 07:39 AM
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1. And the cavalry charged...
And the Indians fell.
And the cavalry charged
And the Indians died.
But our country was youn then
With God on its side.

B. Dylan (1963)
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berry Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-01-03 04:22 PM
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2. Interesting! This is Monbiot's piece from the Guardian, re-titled.
It's being picked up around the world because it "clicks." Reading it you know instinctively that it has hit on a truth about America.

I wonder where else it is being published and read.
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