Scientists: Alaskan warming is disturbing preview of future
Knight Ridder Newspapers
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Alaska is melting.
Glaciers are receding. Permafrost is thawing. Roads are collapsing. Forests are dying. Villages are being forced to move, and animals are being forced to seek new habitats. (snip)
(snip) While global warming is hurting oil drilling, it's the increased burning of fossil fuels such as oil that causes global warming.
In June, the Department of Energy announced that it would spend $270,000 to help Alaska rewrite its rules about how thick ice roads should be.Permafrost lies under 166 Alaskan towns and 1,700 miles of Alaskan highways. Melting is causing whole chunks of the Alaska Highway to come apart, state officials said at a January global-warming conference.
Permafrost is melting "under forests as well as under buildings and roads," said atmospheric scientist Michael MacCracken, who headed federal climate-change studies in the 1990s. (snip)