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Back to Reality: Can Obama undue the damage from the Republican War on Science

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depakid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-08 04:45 AM
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Back to Reality: Can Obama undue the damage from the Republican War on Science
President-elect Obama already has a long to-do list. But here’s another item for it: to restore science in government.

The most notable characteristic of the Bush administration’s science policy has been the repeated distortion and suppression of scientific evidence in order to fit ideological preferences about how the world should be, rather than how it is.

In his disturbing book “Undermining Science: Suppression and Distortion in the Bush Administration,” the journalist Seth Shulman describes case after case of intimidation of scientists in government posts, the suppression of scientific evidence and the perpetuation of misinformation.

The fields affected range from climate change to public health. Although some incidents are small in and of themselves, the cumulative effect is horrifying. Shulman also catalogs a long list of established government scientists who, during the course of the Bush administration, resigned their posts in despair.

The distortion and suppression of science is dangerous, and not just because it means that public money gets wasted on programs, like abstinence-only sex “education” schemes, that do not work. It is dangerous because it is an assault on science itself, a method of thought and inquiry on which our modern civilization is based and which has been hugely successful as a way of acquiring knowledge that lets us transform our lives and the world around us. In many respects science has been the dominant force — for good and ill — that has transformed human lives over the past two centuries.

In schools, science is often taught as a body of knowledge — a set of facts and equations. But all that is just a consequence of scientific activity.

Science itself is something else, something both more profound and less tangible. It is an attitude, a stance towards measuring, evaluating and describing the world that is based on skepticism, investigation and evidence. The hallmark is curiosity; the aim, to see the world as it is....

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elleng Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-08 04:53 AM
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1. Not entirely 'undo,'
but PR + will help a bit.
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prostock69 Donating Member (365 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-08 09:09 AM
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2. I am so there with you!!!! Just thinking about what Bush has done
makes my blood boil!
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Stargazer09 Donating Member (625 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-08 09:58 AM
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3. I agree wholeheartedly
Just one example of this B.S. was when they published "proof" that having an abortion causes breast cancer. Politics over science. I wanted to throw my computer at someone's head over that one.

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