September 28, 2005
Kay Bailey Hutchison was GUILTY
By Andrew Dobbs
... 11 years ago today, believe it or not, Ronnie Earle handed down several indictments for destroying evidence and tampering with government documents. In 1994 the Dallas Observer's Miriam Rozen gained access to grand jury documents in the case against Kay Bailey Hutchison. I can't find the article online, but I managed to find a contemporaneous Texas Monthly article that quotes largely from the piece. The testimony starts with employees, former coworkers and others noting her abusive behavior around the office. She literally threw a book at a subordinate and kept her office in a state of fear while she was Treasurer. These employees testify that when she told them to start destroying documents that showed her using state-paid staff, offices and other taxpayer-funded resources for her own political activities, they made copies behind her back.
These documents proved damaging, but a technicality through most of the evidence out of the case. Many are still baffled by Earle's decision to drop the case, a decision many felt he didn't have to make. The judge, equally surprised, quickly selected and swore in a jury and instructed them to acquit her, rather than simply dropping the case. As a result, the charges died and most Texans have forgotten that Kay Bailey Hutchison was a prime suspect in a large-scale political corruption scandal ... could be half of a Godzilla-Gidget ticket in 2012