Christina Cedeno
Managing Editor How many memoirs does this man need to write about his adolescence, teenage, and college years before it's believed to be his actual story? How many times does he need to repeat the phrase, "a father from Kenya, a mother from Kansas?" How many times does this man need to tell America what "Barack" means before he's "known" enough? I'm curious to why it's taken so long for those like you to "know" Barack Obama. It seems Sarah Palin was deemed "all-American" after a 20 minute speech she gave two weeks after being thrust into the political spotlight. Obama rigorously campaigned all over this nation for 2 years.
Let me ask, have you ever seen any other president's birth certificate? Any other certifications of birth at all? Bush Sr., W. Bush, Clinton, Carter, etc. Did anyone ever get a glimpse? Why wasn't there a crusade against these men to release their information for the world to witness? Where were the "experts" to "examine" their birth certificates? Couldn't they just as easily have lied? ...
This theory that the entire American Government- even the most extreme right-wing of the political spectrum would never bother to look into/validate Obama's eligibility, or worse, hide his ineligibility is absolutely absurd. His presidency would go against integral portions of their ideologue. Yet, using the conspirators logic, they were willing to look the other way while Obama and his henchmen went to work on "operation birth cover-up?" And just what exactly would these right-wingers in the upper echelon of the Bush administration gain from that?
Furthermore, to think that the Democratic Party itself would fail to look deeply into the background of a candidate that is running to represent their party is so idiotic that I'm running out of adjectives to describe it! You would think, using again, conspirators logic, that this is the first year of political races in the history of this nation. Would the Democratic Party really risk their "brand" by hiding a secret of this magnitude? Would they really risk losing another election if the "secret" of Obama's illegitimacy were discovered by anonymous "experts" on the internet that go by the nom de plumes "Polarik" and "Techdude?" I mean, these are the cases you cite, correct? The cases of Philip J. Berg (9-11 truther who touts Obama's COLB to be his sister's) and Leo Donofrio, yes, they are ...