Women and International Solidarity: An Interview with Marcia Campos
By Political Affairs

(WIDF President Marcia Campos.
Courtesy WIDF)
PA: What are the three main aims of the WIDF in the current period?
WIDF: WIDF main goals are:
1. Fight for peace, for cooperation among people and nations, against robbery wars and systematic aggressions to people that do not submit to the North American empire, to fight for the withdraw of the North American troops from Iraq, for a Free Palestine, for the immediate release of the 5 Cuban Heroes prisoners in the US, for the withdraw of the military bases and against the missiles installation around Russia, for the reunification of Korea and for an humanitarian treaty in Colombia.
2. To fight for equal rights, against all forms of violence, against the traffic in women, for the full access to Education for women, against AIDS and for the defense of the environment.
3. To fight for access to work to women in all areas, with access to laundry facilities, public restaurants, daycares and schools. Motherhood is not only a woman responsibility, or of the mother, not even just a family responsibility, but is also a State responsibility and of all the society to take care of the future.
PA: Can tell us about the main activities of the WIDF South America?
WIDF: Participation at international, continental, regional and national forums that are connected the WIDF priority goals, as defined in our congresses.
Participation at the MERCOSUL and UNASUL Presidents Summits, at the Regional and World Social Forums, carrying the voice of the woman and trying to approve at the final resolutions of those forums, banners of interest of women and concerning the international solidarity, bearing in mind the conjuncture of each moment of those events.
Participation at the meetings of regional and international organisms such as the UN, UNESCO, LIO, FAO, UNIFEM, and all that can debate and approve proposals that are the interest of women of all the world.
In Brazil we support the national organizations that are affiliate to WIDF; we promote initiatives defined at our Steering Committee such as the meeting for the women of the MERCOSUL, the meeting of countries of Portuguese language, and so on.