Morgan Reynolds* — December 5, 2008
You think it’s bad now? It’s going to get much worse. This is the big one, call it Great Depression II. Why am I so sure? Because the depth and duration of a downturn depend positively on 1) how long the preceding boom lasted, 2) how distorted its capital structure became, and most importantly, 3) how much government interferes with the classical medicine administered by the marketplace.
By these metrics, our current economy is one sick puppy and getting sicker. But what caused this? Ironically, economic problems usually result from a prior intervention too hard for most to trace and so lead to demands for new interventions to “fix” the problems. Nowhere is this confusion truer than for the mystery of the business cycle.
The cause of our sick economy was world-class injections of artificial credit by Maestro Greenspan and his Merry Band for double-digit years. Now the inevitable bust is being aggravated by “stimulus” programs mercilessly foisted on us by Ben Bernanke, in turn aided and abetted by big business pleaders, business media, Paulson, Congress, state governments, Ohio school districts, and assorted panhandlers in business suits.
Wall Street gradually caught on that all is not well on Main Street. Main Street failures preceded Wall Street’s, not vice versa. Depression is our next stage as malinvested businesses go bankrupt and land, labor and capital shift back to lower stages of production. Liquidation of unsound businesses, “idle capacity” of malinvested plants, and unemployed resources must shift to lower stages of production.
The deception orchestrated by the Fed suckered businesses into overinvesting in capital goods industries, contrary to consumers’ wishes. Sad, isn’t it? The massive wasted saving and investment squandered in bankrupt businesses is appalling, akin to the wastes of war.
Conventional business cycle theory cannot get much “wronger.” Maybe the worst part is that “depression expert” Bernanke is clueless, virtually guaranteeing a depression. As I wrote in March 2006:
“Bernanke's paper trail tells us...he fears falling money prices as the biggest risk of all, so he stands ready with ‘an invention called the printing press’ to combat this evil. He promises faster inflation in response to the next financial crisis, supplying the ‘liquidity’ the system needs...Mr. Ph.D. does not understand why a bust happens. That makes him extra dangerous. Every bust is caused by the preceding boom and its excesses. The bust is curative...When Bernanke fights the market by injecting new credit in the next crisis he will sustain unsound debt, weak debtors and lousy companies, prolonging depression. That's the opposite of ‘putting it behind us.’” Bernanke can fight the market but he cannot win. However, he might destroy the rest of us in the meantime.
*Morgan Reynolds is professor of economics emeritus, Texas A&M University. He was chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor, 2001-2. His website is nomoregames.net