Senator Shelby, please read. And note: the writer is
not from Michigan.
Foreign tax policies put U.S. cars at disadvantageBY U.S. REP. MIKE MICHAUD • DECEMBER 10, 2008
In the debate about the Big Three American automakers, unfair foreign trade practices have scarcely been mentioned and the very unlevel playing field on which we force our domestic producers to compete.
Unfair foreign trade and economic practices are not "just a different way of doing business," but are conscious policies intended to distort markets and give foreign firms a competitive advantage. Consider just one of these unfair practices: value added tax systems, which are used to discriminate against American cars, trucks and auto parts, as well as thousands of other products, by more than 150 of our trading partners.
The VAT is levied at each step of the production process -- whenever value is added to a product and that product is passed up the assembly chain. The VAT is ultimately incorporated in the final price of the product and paid by the end consumer. However, if the product is exported, the producer gets a big break: The tax is rebated. In effect, the VAT functions as an export subsidy. But it is also a barrier to foreign markets for products from the United States, a non-VAT country.
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