After learning the demise of the Bridge Loan Bill within the Senate it occured to me that these same individuals who always parlayed insite to facts towards " family values ", and " Competition within Capitalism ", proved without a shadow of a doubt just how threatening and destroying their conviction happens to be by voting down the Loan Bill.
Let the record show that one Senator, Richard Shelby of Alabama, has spent approximately $500 million dollars to land the likes of Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, and others to his state and has no problem with that. Especially where he can control the lives of the working class in this " Right to Work State ". Does that sound like capitalism and or freedom? I'll let you be the judge of that as I have stated in many blogs just how I feel about slavery i.e. Right to Work.
President Lincoln must be turning in his grave watching his beloved Republican Party shatter the lives and dreams of Americans within all 50 states all for the sake of greed and control. To see the " Economic " war between the states 143 years after the true Civil War that was suppose to end slavery style workmanship, only to have it rear its ugly head once more. Lincoln stated that " all that harms Labor is TREASON ". And this is what the Republicans have proven!!!!!!
I pity those in the South who unfortunately cannot and truly don't realize the significance their Senators played in a possible destruction of Americas manufacturing demise. They think they will get away unscathed, but quite the contrary as realism will emerge when the transplants begin closing those factory doors in the very near future without parts from the suppliers they depend upon here in this country. If the Big 3 Fail so too will the transplants. Mark my words Republicans.!6832668F95AEAEFA!864.entry