Published: December 14, 2008
NAFTA and the sweetheart deal given to China and India must be canceled, otherwise the American worker and the financial stability of this nation will never recover. China's population is about six times the population of the United States, as is India's. The wage scale in both China and India is almost that of a shoe shine boy. The different wage scales in past history has required tariffs so as not to destroy the economies of all nations. Tariff is not a dirty word. It has been used to correct disparities in wages for thousands of years.
Outsourcing to the point of where we produce nothing is outrageous. America must re-build its industrial base, heavy industry and all, from the ground up. To agree to re-build our infrastructure and not our industrial base is sheer folly. This re-building must be done only with American products, not foreign.
Our industrial base allowed America to win World War II. We have no industrial base today. The American worker must demand this new administration cancel the trade deal with China and India and cancel NAFTA as its first order of business.
Bailouts cannot solve what our leadership has done to the American worker, starting with the ending of World War II. Lopsided trade deals appeased the greed of the few and have turned the financial world upside down. This problem is not only America's problem but is worldwide. The European Common Market and the creation of global industries, pitting workers worldwide against each other, have opened up a Pandora's Box. It can and is creating social unrest worldwide.
Our ports nationwide are busting at the seams with the products from all over the world, entering our nation duty free from nations whose wage scale is much lower than ours. This is why you have no job or if you are lucky enough to have a job, it does not keep you in your home.