For months now we have been hearing the snickering condescension of the punditry and other servants of social Darwinism laugh at those silly silly peons who didn’t read the contract when they signed off on loans. Of course there is accountability on both sides but there has been almost no mention of any such accountability for the people who created and sold these bad PRODUCTS (like, say explosive cars or baby pajamas back in the day). No no no can’t be anything wrong coming from the Masters of the Universe who signed off on this on the other end.
This was the same backhanded disdain that the members of the National Guard got when they suddenly got sent overseas when that clearly was not part of the general understanding when they signed up. Same for the regular Army types who dared mentioned DOD regulations about extended deployments and downtime between deployments.
Tsk tsk tsk silly little peons, you should have more finely tuned your business acumen before jumping into someone else’s game (that we all have been drawn in to really).
It should be noted that the real problem for the financial houses wasn’t that they built a home on such a shaky foundation but that they built condos on top of it. And the more of a Master you were the higher up and better was the view (so as to look down on the peons).
Now all of a sudden we have us a SCAM. Oh my.
Some of the Master class themselves got taken. Didn’t they read the contract? WAS there a contract? Did they just take statements at their word? Don’t they know anything about money???
Let’s look at exactly who got taken
Lawrence Velvel dean of the Massachusetts School of Law
Long Island economist Irwin Kellner
New York Mets owner Fred Wilpon
former Philadelphia Eagles owner Norman Braman
J. Ezra Merkin, the chairman of GMAC Financial Services
Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) was also listed having an account with Madoff,0,5156462.storySuddenly we have us some real bona fide VICTIMS. Their loyal servants can’t get on the air fast enough to shake their heads and wonder how the oh so elitely educated and titled could fall for such a thing … the hand of a guy who basically used his eliteness to pull them in.
I am reminded of a former neighbor who, with his new bride, bought his first house. Both were rather elegantly educated as some pretty fine schools. On signing day she was as nervous as we have all been trained to be. He shrugged it off. He was a bank examiner for the Federal Reserve, “I see these things everyday. They are all the same”. He told her just to sign and initial where they had it marked.
All the same indeed.