Two possibilities:
(1.) The optimistic one is that Barack Obama will be honor his campaign rhetoric and be a champion of the people who elected him. However, to do this, he will have to stay very independent from his DLC right wing and recycled Clinton corporate appointments to date.
(2.) The sadly more realistic scenario is that his appointments to date are an appetizer of the meal to come. In short, we have been snookered again and we're back to the square one of a puppet government of astronomically rich elites.
The irony is that in either case, our ONE dem/pug political party is on very, very thin ice.
Arguably, the last eight Bush/fascist/neocon horror show years have mutated America to the core. It's like when organized crime comes TOO FAR out of their shadows of secrecy and people start seeing them as the detestable scum they truly are. This is exactly what happened to the vampire elites (aka, “Have’s”) during the Bush years.
Their evil and greed was so limitless, they left the safety of their “Heart of Darkness” and openly started money cow oil wars, openly raped and murdered Mother Nature, openly bled trillions of dollars from the American economy, openly tried to break the back of working class Americans with taxes, destroyed or stolen health and retirement plans, and the cannon fodder massacre of our children in immoral “preemptive” wars justified by Presidential State of the Union lies.
Lastly, the evidence is growing that American elites have been systematically committing atrocities (genocide?) on the middle and lower classes of America for the last several decades, e.g, unregulated poison food, intentionally desecrated ecosystems, unregulated pharmaceuticals, dumbed down educational programs, and under funded scientific research (medical and otherwise), and the cold blooded murder of New Orleans by deliberately allowing the levees to fail, etc., etc.
Hence, it's probable that which ever way Obama jumps, the virtually anti-Christ years of Bush/Cheney may well be the "end times" of the United States of the Elites.
Eight years ago, the elites were secretive to the point of invisibility. However, now literally millions of Americans totally realize that America is a puppet government of the elites.
The 2006 "dem" Congress of DLC right wing traitors (i.e., just more puppets of the elites) may well be the "tipping point" of a "backlash" of millions of patriotic Americans who have now seen the elites do their filth in broad daylight.
So, if Obama chooses the second option (i.e., be just a new "tentacle" of the elites), the outrage of betrayed Americans will almost certainly transform American politics radically and forever.
The fact is that the Bush/Republican/fascist murder of America and the ecosystems of human existence have unimaginable consequences. As a country, we aren't just going to walk away from it! And as a country, we WILL NOT ALLOW Obama to be "Bush light"! Said differently, thanks to the infinite greed and cruelty of the elites (via their dem/pug puppets), the dynamics of status quo American politics are now hanging by a thread.
Too much has happened. Too much evil. Too much theft. Too much murder.
And not to forget 9/11, which millions of Americans (and counting!) now believe was indeed an "inside job".
The point is it's irrationally naive to think that as a country we will proceed with "business as usual". The view that, “Yes, a lot happened during the last eight years, but life will go on more or less normally,” is exactly the belief which this piece challenges absolutely.
Post Bush, etc., "business as usual" is dead. Post Bush, etc., all the political game rules have changed. And post Bush, etc., if Obama pushes policies and values significantly to the right of the people who elected him, he will almost certainly catalyze the beginning of the end of the status quo American political system/prison.
We should never forget that the present American political system/prison was INVENTED by the elites (and enforced by their “brown shirt” dem/pug puppets) to brainwash and subjugate working class Americans. But we should also never forget that this political system/prison is made out of "paper" (i.e., merely elite invented “rules” to enslave the lower and middle classes).
But paper can be walked through and crumpled at will.
So these next few years aren't just going to be a measure of Barack Obama; they are also going to be the sinking or swimming of status quo American politics. And if status quo American politics "sinks", who bloody cares, since it's sinking will be the resurrection of the will of the American people and our Constitutional Republic.
The bottom line is that status quo politics (i.e., the dem/pug puppet government of the elites) isn't just more part of the problem than the solution. It IS the problem . . . and Obama would be well advised not to recycle it.
W. Christopher Epler (Bill)