Bush has 3 pillars which form the foundation of his campaign.
First he is still claiming to be a truth telling Texas straight shooter, tellin it like it is in the language the average American will understand. (never mind how ridiculous this may seem to you)
There is plenty of good work going on right now proving George is a compulsive liar.
Second, he is claiming to be the toughest war time President in the crusade against terrorism. (ditto the above advice)
The current 9-11 commision and inside whistle blowers are doing a great job discrediting bush claims of success against terrorism.
Third, he has alligned himself with the religious right with a near declaration that he is a virtual holy figure appointed by God. (mega ditto on the obvious absurdity of his claim)
What democrates need to do is reveal/hype an actual scenario that would cause the religious right to be hard pressed to forgive him.
(never mind if you think the select religious scandel would not raise your eyebrow - we are talking about what would outrage the Christian fundamentalists.)
Something worse than pulling a Lewinsky, worse than cronyism and murder...something as simple as taking the lords name in vain or a tape of some candid words regarding a religious figure.
"God" willing, I hope his pillar of the religious right can be toppled
quickly and decisively.
by Don Hakman