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Richard Clarke: American Patriot?

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Atman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-24-04 06:45 PM
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Richard Clarke: American Patriot?
"It's tempting to overstate the significance of what many of us watched or heard this afternoon. But it's hard to imagine anybody who followed Richard Clarke's testimony before the 9-11 commission not being moved by the man's clear and simple statements of what he says is the truth. From his opening statement of remorse to the families of those who died in the 9-11 attacks, to his blunt descriptions of the Bush administration's neglect of counter-terrorism, to his brilliant demolition of John Lehman's crassly partisan attempt to tar him as a partisan, Clarke's performance was a powerful combination of understatement and bravura.

Reading and listening to the reactions people have had to Clarke's book, his appearances in the media, and now to his stunning testimony before the 9-11 panel, it appears that we may have reached a turning point. Richard Clarke is easily believed and not easily dismissed. Karl Rove wasted his ammunition on earlier whistle blowers like John Dilulio and Paul O'Neil, who, compared to Clarke, are minor leaguers. Despite the assists of hacks like Lehman and the slimeballs at Fox News, this whistleblower will be hard to marginalize and ignore. The political heart of the Bush presidency is counter-terrorism, and their former counter-terrorism expert may have just ripped out their heart.

Richard Clarke is a hawk, appears to have been a Republican, and most balanced summaries of his career show him to have been a bit of a loose cannon too smitten by covert actions and insufficiently respectful of civil liberties. But he's the type of knowledgeable, dogged, and passionate analyst on whom every successful administration must rely for honest and non-ideological appraisals and advice. However, this administration doesn't value analysts, it values acolytes. Thus, it's not surprising this outraged insider has so effectively exposed the rank incompetence and rotten dishonesty at the center of the Bush administration. Furthermore, this administration doesn't respect people who aren't cynical idolaters of power like themselves; it's to be expected that they wouldn't heed the advice of someone whose character and motivations are so different from their own. The leaders of the Bush administration wouldn't listen to Richard Clarke because, as he proved today, he is fundamentally what they will never be. Richard Clarke is a mensch, and Richard Clarke is a patriot."

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Nightjock Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-24-04 06:56 PM
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1. That was
beautiful. You should copy that and send it to every newspaper in the country. Nice job.
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mefoolonhill Donating Member (443 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-24-04 11:21 PM
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3. Clarke interview on "Fresh Air"
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flamingpie2500 Donating Member (565 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-24-04 07:15 PM
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2. Yes beautiful--
I have a feeling this man is trying to save this country. He did what he had to do to make sure that this adminstration does not totally destroy what is left of Americas credibility in the world. He could not and did not prevent 9/11--but has put his life and reputation on the line to prevent another one.
He could sit by only so long and see the danger. We all saw it but could do nothing. He is a true American hero.
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