Buzzflash has had two very strong editorials on Condi today and yesterday.
Today: long article has several useful links to the sources.
Documentation of Plans to Crash Airplanes Into Buildings that Bush and Condi Claim They Knew Nothing About: They Lie, Assassinate People's Characters Instead of Refuting Their Evidence -- and They are, Most Dangerous to the Nation, Incompetent.
Bush, Powell and Rumsfeld have been using carefully crafted "legal" statements this week in which they say that had they known planes were to be hijacked and flown SPECIFICALLY into the World Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon, they would have taken steps to prevent the incidents. It takes an idiot not to see that they are "protecting" themselves from being charged with lying. Lying about what? Claiming that they were not warned about potential imminent hijackings and use of planes as assault weapons in general.
They knew and did nothing.
This is not speculation. This is fact.
They are condemned by their own words.
We don't need a 9/11 Commission.
The truth about the Bush Administration ignoring blatant warnings about an imminent Al-Qaeda attack are already on the record.
And yesterday: Here's Why Condi Rice Won't Testify Under Oath Before the 9/11 Commission: She Can't Handle the Truth. Bush Did Nothing to Prevent 9/11 Hijackings. The Source of this Allegation: Condi Rice.
It's an open and shut case, courtesy of Condi Rice.
BuzzFlash is, frankly, tired of, once again, reminding the Pro-Bush American mainstream press that we need look no further than Condi Rice for proof that Bush failed to try and prevent 9/11, even though he was warned of a possible imminent attack in August of 2001.
But as BuzzFlash pointed out at the time -- and we assume most second graders would understand this, but apparently not the mainstream press -- the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon WERE hijackings.
If Bush had taken steps after his pre-9/11 security briefing to put law enforcement and airport security on heightened alert, he might very well have prevented the hijacking attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon. But the American press and the TV pundits couldn't figure out this little bit of basic common sense and convinced the American public that Condi had cleared everything up.
It staggers the mind that they could get away with this transparent, nonsensical, lie. Condi admitted that Bush was warned about potentially imminent hijackings the source of the 9/11 attacks -- and that he did nothing to prevent these hijackings: nothing! That is the bottom line, period. Remember that Condi Rice is the source of this information, not BuzzFlash. ("White House officials acknowledged that U.S. intelligence officials informed President Bush weeks before the Sept. 11 attacks that bin Laden's terrorist network might try to hijack American planes."
Both these articles are clear and hard-hitting with all the documentation in one place.