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So Long Worst President Ever; 10 Reasons History Will Hang You

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RedEarth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-16-09 03:34 PM
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So Long Worst President Ever; 10 Reasons History Will Hang You
George W. Bush presented his valedictory last night, desperately seeking thanks and congratulations. So here goes: Thanks and congratulations, W, for showing the world that today's conservatism is an abject failure.

Thanks to Bush, we know that conservatives are not fiscally responsible, they are not for small government, they don't stand up for moral values and they won't make Americans one bit safer. Conservatives aren't even true defenders of "free markets" -- having presided over the biggest market bailout in the world.


1. The worst recession since the 1930s. The current recession will be the deepest and longest downturn since the Great Depression. And unlike other recessions, this one was directly caused by conservative anti-regulatory policy. In fact, recent evaluations show that Bush policies never created any real growth -- the ephemeral financial upswings of the past eight years were based on market bubbles and economic Band-Aids.

2. The worst financial crisis since the 1930s. The Bush administration, flacking an "ownership society," helped manufacture the housing bubble. When it burst, Americans lost $6 trillion in housing wealth (so far), fueling a market crash that has cost Americans $8 trillion of stock wealth, according to economist Dean Baker. On a grand scale, we've been mugged.

3. The worst foreign policy mistake in the history of this country. That's what Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., correctly called the Iraq war. This pre-emptive war -- based on phony pretenses -- is now the second longest in our nation's history (after Vietnam). Some 35,000 Americans are dead or wounded, as well as an enormous number of innocent Iraqis. And even today, more than five years later, can anyone explain why Bush marched us into this quagmire?

4. Unprecedented rejection of human rights. Recently, a Bush administration official finally admitted that the U.S. government engaged in torture at Guantanamo Bay detention center. Bush admitted that he personally authorized waterboarding. While these clear violations of the Geneva Conventions would have been unthinkable a few years ago, today we're not surprised. From Abu Ghraib and extraordinary rendition, to years-long detention of innocents and the unrestrained killing of civilians by U.S.-paid mercenaries, this administration has systematically squandered our nation's moral standing in the world, making us less able to protect Americans and American interests worldwide.


So, congratulations for being the worst president in American history. That's not just my personal opinion; that's the opinion of 109 historians polled by the History News Network. Fully 61 percent ranked Bush as the "worst ever;" 98 percent labeled his presidency a "failure." And this poll, taken in early 2008, predated the cataclysmic housing and banking crashes. Bye-bye W -- history will not be kind.
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AdHocSolver Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-09 06:28 PM
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1. From the standpoint of the rightwing, Bush was the most successful president in history.
Bush succeeded in getting the government off of the backs of corporate thieves and polluters, prevented the implementation of even modest health care reform, pushed through laws amounting to legalized thievery (eg., Medicare Part D), enabled war profiteering on a massive scale, laid the groundwork for a fascist dictatorship by eliminating habeas corpus, implementing warrantless searches, legalizing unlimited wiretapping, etc.

Bush unfunded regulatory agencies and packed them with corporate shills hostile to regulation of corporations. He packed the courts with rightwing demagogues. He put incompetent puppets in charge of government agencies from the Justice Department to the CIA. He got Congress to declare war on Afghanistan to get that country to build a gas pipeline for the benefit of US oil companies. He "fooled" Congress into declaring war on Iraq for the benefit of Big Oil and war profiteers like Halliburton.

Last, but not least, he cowed Democrats in Congress into an unprecedented obsequiousness to sign off on his agenda with nary a whimper, if not downright enthusiasm.

For the wealthy rightwing fascists, the Bush presidency is the most successful in U.S. history. It all depends on your perspective.
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yurbud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-09 04:47 AM
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4. and if Obama doesn't prosecute, they will be back, nastier and more effective than ever
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Tutonic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-09 06:59 PM
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2. #5 and #10 should top the list, unregulated abuses of power at DOJ
DOD and elsewhere and the dark and filthy stain called Katrina--for these two alone this asshole and his drunken Joker wife need to sneak out of Washington during the cloak of darkness the night before the Inauguration. He will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER see his popularity or acceptance among the public increase beyond 30 percent. He is a mean moron--and unfortunately these are a deadly duo. And his Joker like wife Laura--how can she and those two drunken offspring of hers stand anywhere nearby this clown without vomiting.
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Left Coast2020 Donating Member (597 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-09 09:20 PM
Response to Reply #2
Absolute corruption. Absolute criminals. Absolute irresponsibility: Katerina. Perhaps emphasis should be placed on "criminal." These bastards have robbed our tresury and could not account for any of the billions of dollars that went missing in Iraq--not to mention the missing funds in the bailout.

Yes, history will not be kind to this guy. As a matter of fact, I hope history will someday say, "The First American President to be prosecuted for War Crimes".
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