Bush is floundering over his re-election strategy, but laying into John Kerry will turn off voters, argues Bob Mulholland
When an incumbent president is thrashing in the air spouting outlandish attacks against his opponent (like a man caught in quicksand), it means he is in a panic.
Bush Jr is much more partisan and more of a divider than his dad, making this election more like Jimmy Carter's situation than his dad's - trouble on two fronts.
To many Americans, on international affairs Bush looks like a liar. To others, he's just incompetent. He or his team have told many long-time allies it's "my way or drop dead" or called them "Old Europe." He has also provided false information to most of our allies, as well as to the American people. Many Americans watch all this in disbelief.
When Bush hears that 70% or 80% of people in other countries don't support his Iraq agenda, he tells his staff: "who cares, they don't vote in American elections."
Bush skipped most of the news growing up (as he has acknowledged, preferring drink and drugs) and has no comprehension of the trouble he creates for foreign leaders who have tens of thousands of people protesting. Additionally, he brags that he doesn't read newspapers (neither British nor American) and relies on his staff to tell him what is going on.