Deep Cover Man does not live by bread alone -- or rather, a man alone still needs his bread, even if he's running the country by decree from a spider hole in Nebraska.
By Chris Floyd
"I have a strategy. You're not in it." -- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Unfortunately for the rest of us, the insatiable Slayers in the White House and Pentagon fully share Miss Summers' stern credo. In fact, for more than 20 years, men named Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld have been working hard -- and spending billions of public dollars -- on secret strategies to ensure their personal survival when the hellmouth of catastrophe swallows everyone else.
But do let's be fair. The yellow-feathered Washington warriors aren't only looking out for their own backsides -- they've also included their closest corporate cronies in the escape plan. In fact, the whole jolly crew intends to preserve its wonted rank of wealth and privilege even as its fellow citizens are roasting in nuclear fires or howling in clouds of gut-chewing microbes, as The Atlantic's James Mann reports this month.
Operation Anal Cover began in 1981, after affable frontman Ronald Reagan and CIA headman George H.W. Bush took office. The Reagan-Bush team immediately began serious preparations for nuclear war with the Soviet Union, including a first-strike "decapitation" plan to take out the Kremlin leadership in one swift blow. Naturally, they feared the Red dastards were thinking along similar lines, hoping to turn the fabulous Ron into a little spot of hair dye and rouge on the Oval Office carpet.
Thus was born an elaborate scheme to set up a secret government, hidden in hardened bunkers, capable of waging war and controlling the civilian populace -- without any fussy bother from Congress or other elected representatives of the suckers out there. Instead, three separate teams of insiders were formed, each with a figurehead Cabinet member -- placemen like the Agriculture Secretary -- who would be "guided" by an all-powerful chief of staff. Dispersed around the country, the teams would use special communications links to rule the nation, for as long as the appointed ßber-chiefs saw fit.
Bush helped construct this secret machinery, working cheek-by-jowl with Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North -- the beginning of a beautiful relationship that would fully blossom in the Iran-Contra scam, when the plucky pair shipped guns to Islamic extremists in Iran to fund an illegal terrorist war against Nicaragua's democratically elected government. North would later expand Anal Cover to deal with contingencies beyond nuclear war, such as "terrorist attacks" and "civil disturbances" -- including large-scale protests against an unpopular military action -- with concentration camps for tens of thousands of "dissidents," as The San Francisco Bay Guardian reports...cont'd >