H. Ross Mackenzie is the retired (yet *still* writing) op-ed "dean" of our local rag
http://www.timesdispatch.com/rtd/news/opinion/letters/article/COLTOND_20090118-172012/181766/For Mackenzie, It's All Clinton's Fault
Editor, Times-Dispatch:
According to Ross Mackenzie, Capt. George W. Bush was the best captain the Titanic ever had, and if it hadn't been for that iceberg those evil lefties put it in his way, why, he could have steered us home way ahead of schedule!
There really ought to be a clinical category for folks who suffer denial to such an absurd degree. We are now an almost bankrupt nation with rapidly devaluating currency. We are undergoing a disastrous housing crisis along with the worst stock market decline since the Great Depression -- but according to Mackenzie, these blips on the sonar can also be blamed on Clinton.
If he'd acted decisively, Bush could have captured or destroyed Osama bin Laden when he was stuck in Tora Bora; and if the commander-in-chief had bothered to read the daily security memos that were placed on his desk in the two weeks preceding 9/11, he probably would have been able to do something to prevent or minimize that tragedy.
Mackenzie's great captain is significant only because of the amount of damage his blind steerage has caused the vessel of country. He was truly an incompetent and convenient figurehead owned lock, stock, and barrel by unrestrained corporate greed and right-wing religious smugness.