The original comments are included, just in case the post is deleted. (I, for one, am not enamored of the DU policy of just deleting Freeper posts - misimpressions need to be answered, not silenced):
> 30 years of work on terrorism, and he did nothing to stop the tide of terrorism.
Clark did about everything possible that he could to stop the tide of terrorism; helping to thwart literally hundreds of attacks. He is one of the elite anti-terrorism experts this country has. The problem is that politically motivated crime, like all crime, is not something you can stop completely. You can only reduce it.
> The only time this lapdog of appeasment has any attack in him,
> is when he attacks his former colleagues, colleagues he spoke
> of in flattering terms at the time, but now only with bitter hate.
"Lapdog of appeasement"? Just who is he supposed to be appeasing? Al Qaeda? The reason why Clark resigned from his position was that he kept telling Bush about the immediate danger of the organization, but Bush's administration kept doing nothing.
One of Clark's few criticisms of Clinton, is that the President did not start a war in Afghanistan three years before 9/11. Of course, with the Republicans all screaming "wag the dog", it would have been hard to do so. The GOP was upset even at Clinton's intervention in Bosnia (with NO U.S. casualties), despite the fact that this prevented Al Qaeda from turning that country into another radicalized Wahabist staging area.
In terms of speaking of "attacking his former colleagues", I presume you mean the Dubya Whitehouse, since the man has friends from his Reagan years, G. HW. Bush, and Clinton.
No, what you really mean by "appeasement" is that Clark believes that attacking an Arab country in a manner very reminiscent of a colonial conquest is likely to swell the ranks of Al Qaeda. To me, this is just common sense.
> Don't align yourself with this sort of self serving bureaucrat,
> or you may get the same results as Bush&co
So "self serving" is bad (except in business), but "self serving bureaucrat" is worse? Personally I'm amazed at the selfless nature of anyone who dedicates their life at substandard salary to serve this country, be it military, CIA, counter-intelligence, or family case-worker in impoverished areas.
Furthermore, Clarke's criticisms were far more likely to land him in hot water than reward him. Books like this are written all the time. Several from other people around the Whitehouse have already told this story. Clarke's book is - quite literally - the fifth recounting of the same events.
- C.D.