This is a verbal beat down:
If others make detailed allegations of incompetence against the administration you work for, all you need do is walk to the nearest television camera, call them nasty names and impugn their integrity. You get to declassify anything you think might help your case and keep secret everything that does not. Regular people cannot decide for themselves what is secret.
Never mind that your claim that national security would be endangered if you should answer important questions looks more ridiculous with every television appearance you make and op-ed article you write.
Condoleezza Rice has it easy. She should not.
Richard Clarke held high positions in the Bush administration (as well as the Reagan, first Bush and Clinton administrations). He has made serious charges about our country's lack of preparation for terrorist attack and its choice to pursue other goals, other targets than terror. He is a man of calm substance who merits answers.
The exchange of slogans with some fawning Fox News anchor is not an answer.