How Ann Coulter Defames Jesus Christby Daniel Borchers
As a Christian apologist, Ann Coulter stinks.
First, Coulter used the life of Christ to defend conservative hypocrisy. Now she uses His death, in The Passion of the Christ, to condemn liberalism.
Prior to this most recent heresy, Coulter twice defamed Vietnam war hero and tripled-amputee Max Cleland because her worldview holds that all liberals are evil, stupid and, most certainly unpatriotic, even treasonous.
More germane to this essay, for more than five years Coulter has claimed – in defiance of history, reality and common sense – that Christianity and liberalism are mutually exclusive (i.e. there are no liberal Christians). Of course, Jesus Christ would disagree.
Which brings us back to Coulter’s two partisan polemics in praise of The Passion of the Christ. In full disclosure, I experienced The Passion. It is superbly produced, scripturally-sound and reverberates with the themes of love and forgiveness. From my perspective, Coulter’s critiques amount to a double defamation of Jesus Christ.