WASHINGTON – Follow the bouncing story line. Richard Clarke, the White House former antiterrorism tsar, wasn't in the White House antiterror loop, Vice President Dick Cheney says.
No, wait, he was in the loop, says National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice; he is just wrong about what was going on in the loop.
But, truth be told, it doesn't matter whether he was in or out of the loop because, according to Senate majority leader Bill Frist, and the White House, and various voices on the right, he is a disloyal, lying war profiteer.
If you've forgotten what it looks like when the wheels come off an administration, you're seeing it happen before your eyes.
The double-talk emitting from the White House and the Capitol this past week has been truly entertaining. The comic highlight might have come when 9/11 panel member and former Illinois Gov. James Thompson questioned Mr. Clarke's "morality and candor" for not criticizing the Bush administration when Clarke was still a member of the Bush team. "What it suggests to me is that there is one standard of candor and morality for White House special assistants and another standard of candor and morality for the rest of America."
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