In war some die while others make a killing.
Some die for a cause, others die as a result. Their cause and its effect make no difference to the ones that profit from the situation.
Your husband gave his best efforts for a cause. A worthy one producing true value. Be as proud of that as we are equally disgusted with the failures of a system that defines and monetizes value. A system in which exists incentives and rewards for value in monetary terms detached from value in more important terms. That system is sub optimized.
One way to look at the system abstractly is the Principal/Agent Problem described here: direct interest of the Principal to turn need into money would be to create a greater need for the service provided, extend the length of time in treatment in the system, increase the cost to the client as long as it increases profit.
The agent in the system, your husband, had the opposite objectives. He probably worked on community education to prevent the problem. Maybe did it on his own time and dime. He had good metrics for measuring the benefit of his work. They would be reducing time in treatment and improvement at the end based on some measure like rate of client return or client getting a job. His intent to provide his service to more people would be based on expanding the service availability to more in need of it but lacking the ability to pay. Not to socialize the cost and privatize profit but to help those in need.
The Principal probably had some slick public service advertising that presented them or their industry in exactly the same terms to the public as your husband's dedication. The last thing a Principal would want the public to know is their real intent is their own interest, which is making money to make more money and any hiding any conflict that may exist between that and the public objective of the money making enterprise.
We cannot and should not deny self interest as a motivator of system performance. It is my self interest to take the time to write this long winded expression of frustration and ideas knowing that is has a small probability of being of value to anyone but me. The problem is making the economic system of self interest work to support our values.
Making money on money detached from positive or negative social value is wrong. We are in a crises and perhaps in the long run the system should fail, not be bailed out. If that is what it takes to restructure it. There is, however, probably an alternate progression of change to the system that restructures it.
Your story contributes to the change. So did the stories told to President Obama yesterday. Yesterday I wondered about the value is of sad personal stories of economic system failure. The person with a sign on the corner has one. The family that only has memories now of a loved one in a casket arriving home today from Iraq or Afghanistan has one. We should at least see the casket, know the lost or crushed hopes and dreams that are the products of a dysfunctional system. They are the stories that drive change.
The Principal/Agent problem is due to differences in self interest, value and some degree of moral hazard that is unregulated. It operates on asymmetrical information about the situation or, in extreme, a total intentional misrepresentation of the situation to the agent.
Your story points to the problem. Your problem becomes mine, mine becomes someone else's. Spread it around and it becomes a problem of society.
DU is social media. Social media is the way to solve problems with collective intelligence. Long ago the solution to a problem was large numbers of angry people picking up the most available thing, like a cobblestone, a pitchfork or a rope to solve the problem. There was great fear then of an uneducated mob using things available to them to inflict change on the cause of the problem.
We are becoming an educated mob. We are communicating and coalescing. Looking at it from the Principal/Agent Problem standpoint perhaps it is good for a government to fear its people. However, when government is aligned with the people then who has much to fear? Somebody told us once that government was the problem. That is one view, true to the extent we need to improve government. Did we just improve it?
Now government is the solution to the economic problem. Who is it going to solve it for? Change or more of the same? A government that does not fear its people is either the best government in the world or the worst. Determination of best or worst government is the number of people that have reason to fear government and the cause of their fear. A few people making money on money which is other people's money, contrary to other peoples interest and definition of value have much to fear.
Is money our money or their money? Is money debt money? How is money used to create value? How should it be used. Who does it belong to? Why do they have it? What is its relationship to social control of money?
It is time for reset, reboot, rethink. Ask the questions, look for better answers. Who is most fearful of what the answers might be? The people? Our government? The few that have the most to lose in a restructure of the meaning of value and the tokens in the measurement system?
It seems like government is the tipping point in this balance. I think it needs to take control of the mere accounting for tokens of value in the economic system for the purpose of transparency. Public accounting information for the public to make intelligent decisions about what to do and control in their own self interest with their own money is letting the market forces rule. Call it a National Accounting System. Notice that the government is already doing something conceptually similar for its internal money operations at government should own, operate or franchise the fair and impartial money accounting system
that is simply a scoreboard of free market operation. The accounting system is just the record of who owes what to whom. Then let the free market operate on equal information available to all. That is what the information age is all about. It would replace all the independent accounting systems that currently exist and benefit in efficiency from consolidation of a commodity function.
Freedom is the field of play. Freedom of information and an impartial accounting score keeper keeps the field honest and level. Nobody really knows what money is or what it does. Where does it come from, where did trillions go.
Money is our religion yet like religion it has been used by some to bamboozle us. If we define what money is and does based on our education and collective knowledge, intelligence and values what does that imply for the keepers of other systems of values that use more spiritual tokens for reward and punishment? That we proclaim and establish our right to think by thinking? Our country was established based on severance of foreign control and affirmation of our right to control our own affairs. Especially when things are all screwed up in an unjust system. The entity that controls our money controls our affairs. Who controls our money? What is money?
In the 60's we questioned authority and there was a change. We need to question money. The answers and actions today will determine the course of this century. We need a bigger change than just the magnitude of the numbers in a stimulus or bailout package. A news person tried to explain that we need to look at each one separately as they are two different things with the similar money magnitude and that can get them confused in the mind of the public.
They are related and it is no coincidence that they are related to an economic problem at the same time.
Question money. Is it too complicated for us to understand? In whom do we trust on such a basic issue? Money in terms of all denominated dollar bills with serial numbers that say "In God We Trust" is just 3 percent of the money supply. The rest is debt money. Cyber debt money that exists on some computer or piece of IOU paper that says it exists (10 to 14 Trillion?). All that money should be denominated and serialized with a cyber inscription that says "In Us We Trust". That is the true value on which money is based. Then we know how much we have in sum total as well as cyber serialized denomination, where it is at, who had it last and what transaction caused the change in holding. Then it can be expanded contracted, used for whatever transactions we choose to use it for in our own self interest, maybe with no payment of interest if that benefits us rather than bankers. Transaction fees could be applied to pay bankers for their efforts and pass on a portion of a transaction fee to the government for its use, which is our benefit.
Our collective thought of what money is and does is the sum total of individual thought. Everyone has some money and should have some thought on the matter. Does having more money convey the right to have greater say on what it is and does or should do?
What is money really all about? We let others tell us because it is too complicated for us to understand? In that case we will never see "In Us We Trust" on our cyber money. The biggest joke in the world is paying off the national debt.
Question money!