Talk about a gamer changer
Their entire apparatus is built on attack. Attacking their "adversary" the individual not their message. Always attack the messenger and make the issue about the individual, THE MAN, who is more "likeable" and "Trustworthy". Mainstreammedia bought right into it as it is a lot cheaper than keeping investigative reporters on staff (just read what one side claims) and it makes for reality TV type confrontation. It also makes punditry rather easy, just make a boxing or football analogy and hit the bar.
Well suddenly both have a problem, especially the Republicans. For lack of a better phrase there is a "black guy in the room". Attack, if not done correctly, can come off as racist and elitist. It doesn't help when that is pretty much the source anyway. Remember that McCain unveiled his national campaign (the infamous "green screen speech" ) only after it was clear that Obama would be the nominee. Unleash the hounds!!! and they did. MSM reported their attacks dutifully. It the best alternative a lily white press could come up with on such short notice.
Now all of a sudden they see that that didn't work. What to do? A-ha! let's talk about issues!!!
Trouble Clearly most everyone reading this subscribes to some version of the same philosophy, vision, awareness of history, etc. so there is no point in running down that list. As there is no need to detail problems with the rightwing/conservative/etc. on issues.
For the Republicans pulling out the "issues" notebook is indeed trouble. (here is a football analogy-see how easy it is?) The Republicans are the passing team that has the lead and now has to try to kill the clock..OR (more aptly) the running team that is behind and now they have to start heaving the ball around something they are not good at and they just don't practice it much.
Interesting to watch. So far all the polls show that might just consider punting and looking forward to the next game.