You would think that after the November elections and the recent economic meltdown, Republicans would realize that not only has their party taken a beating, but also so has the party's underlying conservative ideology.
Deregulation is a great idea, especially when you paint the alternative as either socialism or communism.
But this country long ago completely abandoned free market principles because the stakes were so high. The Bush Administration took a stab at them again in 2003 and 2004, and look what happened. By defining the American Dream as everyone owning their own home, former President Bush not only defiled the American Dream, but also encouraged people who could not afford homes to buy them, resulting in a real-estate price collapse that triggered the current situation.
Now, in the last six months, America has been forced to face up to a threat on the domestic front, arguably equal to that of terrorism: a second Great Depression.
Yet despite this looming crisis, Republicans are throwing up roadblocks to the recovery effort. Six hundred thousand jobs, that's 20,000 a day, were lost in January.
Yet Republican Senator Mitch McConnell and Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner voted against the stimulus package because they want to let the market play itself out.
So, going back to the Republican Party, where does this leave us now?
For eight years we had the opportunity to revisit the red scare and McCarthyism; either you were with us, or you were against us.
Democrats were forced to choose between the Patriot Act and Al-Qaeda.
What is really amazing, not to mention seriously troubling, about this lack of support by Republicans for the stimulus package is that not only is the Republican leadership against the current stimulus package, but also the leadership has failed to come up with viable alternatives.
If the Republicans have a better solution, they should share it with us now instead of waiting until it is too late.
Last week, extremist Republican talk radio host Rush Limbaugh said that he hopes that President Obama fails.