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GOP: "No reports of voter fraud" in Minnesota

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Mr. Sparkle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-09 07:29 PM
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GOP: "No reports of voter fraud" in Minnesota
Edited on Fri Feb-13-09 07:39 PM by Mr. Sparkle
GOP: ‘No reports of voter fraud’ in Minnesota
By Andy Birkey 2/9/09 3:07 PM

To stamp out voter fraud, GOP legislators have offered a proposal that would make Minnesota’s voter-ID laws the most restrictive in the country. But according to their own party, no actual cases of voter fraud have been reported here. Still Reps. Tom Emmer, R-Delano, and Mary Kiffmeyer, R-Big Lake, have sponsored a bill requiring photo identification for every voter.

The Republican National Committee’s Minnesota voter fraud Web page announced, “There are no recent documented reports of vote fraud in this state.” And that’s with a recount of 2.9 million votes that took four months to scrutinize Minnesota’s election system.

But that hasn’t stopped Emmer or Kiffmeyer. “Voters want to know that their contribution to our enduring democracy will not be cancelled out through fraud or abuse,” wrote Emmer in a January opinion piece in the Pioneer Press. Kiffmeyer said at a late-January press conference on the bill that Minnesota’s voting system is vulnerable to fraudulent attacks unless a photo ID system is instituted.

“Mary Kiffmeyer should know better,” Hamline University professor David Schultz wrote today. “During her tenure as secretary of state she was unable to document any serious or widespread voter fraud. If fraud did exist, there is no indication that the current laws are ill-equipped to address the problem.”

“You can’t make this up!” reads the banner above the GOP’s results on Minnesota’s voter fraud. Apparently some in the GOP didn’t get that message.

I bet Foxnews feels real stupid after all their reporting of voter fraud in Minnesota. /scarism
It boggles the mind how accusations pulled out of some righties ass can suddenly become news without anybody fact checking.

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kickysnana Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-09 02:59 PM
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1. A law student in 2001 a DUer did a year end paper on this.
Sin city, Hennepin County had only 22 reports of suspected fraudulent voters and the GOP already had poll watchers in place and sympathetic election judges in the 2000 election. Two were found to be true.

Voter fraud, a least in Minnesota was and still is a myth.

What was true was Diebold doing Beta testing in Dakota County and hiring thousands of foreigners to be machine attendants in the 2000 election and telling them to tell immigration that they were here on visitor visas.
In our Newell Park, St Paul polling place judges initially handed out blue markers rather than black that the machines were failing to read. Somebody went out and bought some black ones.

The powers that be then consolidated polling places and moved them out of the neighborhoods two years later. Ours was moved too far to walk and not on a bus line. Out of schools and into Churches and High Rises. I found the Church to be intimidating at first and I was raised Christian.

It is also interesting that the precinct errors significantly favor Franken.

Perhaps DU from that time is in The Memory Hole. I do not see how to get earlier posts when I search today.

Thanks for posting.
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caraher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-09 04:10 PM
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2. Our Indiana Secretary of State had to admit in court that there was no voter fraud
Todd Rokita had to testify when there was a lawsuit to strike down Indiana's new voter suppression law and was forced to admit it was a phantom menace. That didn't affect the outcome in court, however, and we now have to show governmen-issued photo ID in order to vote - even the cloistered nuns who don't drive (who famously got turned away from the polls).

Meanwhile, how's that electronic voting thing coming along?
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