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Washington Media Continue Attacks on Venezuela

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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-09 07:11 PM
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Washington Media Continue Attacks on Venezuela
Washington Media Continue Attacks on Venezuela

By Nicolás Maduro

2-14-09, 9:43 am

Editorials published in the Washington Post and the Washington Times on February 12th and 13th respectively show deep disdain for the Venezuelan people. Both editorials belittle Venezuelan citizens by portraying them as sheep unable to act unless motivated by bribery or punishment, incapable of judging whether or not it is in their interest to approve an amendment that would allow public officials to run for reelection for consecutive terms.

Faced with a lack of valid arguments with which to discredit a proposal that is of a democratic nature, the Washington Post and the Washington Times have opted for subterfuge in order to disqualify the very real possibility that the people may vote in favor of approving the proposal. For having dealt such an insult to the Venezuelan people, these newspapers must at a minimum offer an apology.

Particularly shameful is the Washington Post's use of the deplorable yet isolated vandalism of a Caracas synagogue on January 30th. It attempts to ignore the swift and decisive condemnation of that repugnant act by the government of Venezuela, the ongoing investigation into the crime (those responsible have already been detained and facing due process), and subsequent statements by representatives of the Jewish community in Venezuela expressing satisfaction with the support we offered. The Post exposes its true intentions by going so far as to use this incident as evidence of a supposed campaign of "intimidation" against some groups that simply does not exist in Venezuela. These intentions are made even more clear by the fact that, the same day the Post editorial was published, the President of the Israelite Association of Venezuela Elias Farache, and I, as Minister of Foreign Relations, held a joint press conference at the synagogue. On this occasion, the Jewish leader expressed his appreciation for the swift action taken by the Venezuelan government not just to condemn the crimes, but also to conduct an investigation and prosecute those responsible.

The Post ignores the reality that this unfortunate incident has served to bring closer the Venezuelan government and the Jewish community. This was the sentiment expressed in a letter sent to me by Mr. Farache in which he emphasized his recognition of the positive intervention by Venezuelan officials and “the words of the President of the Republic that offered an absolute and total condemnation of the attack we suffered,” which he called "a message of peace and tranquility for our congregation." It must also be said that Mr. Farache, on behalf of the community he represents, acknowledged the work of the country’s Corps of Penal and Criminal Investigations.

It is truly lamentable that the Washington Post and the Washington Times maintain a stubborn commitment to spreading all manner of lies and distortions about the reality of Venezuela. Theirs is a campaign that drives them even to ignore the fact that the political opposition in Venezuela controls more than 70 percent of the broadcast spectrum and the majority of newspapers throughout the country. This is just one more example of the shameless and continued campaign against my country.

-- Nicolás Maduro is the Minister of Popular Power for Foreign Relations.
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w4rma Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-09 07:18 PM
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1. The ultra-wealthy do not want people siding with a "socialist". It harms their propaganda.
They prefer to side with China and their sweatshops and their government's fascism.
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Vincardog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-09 07:23 PM
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2. Bingo we cant have people voting in their own self interest can we?
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-09 08:01 PM
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3. Here is another excellent analysis of the twisted fascist thinking behind the attacks
on Chavez and Venezuela's democracy.

Francisco Toro and Venezuela’s “Savage” Democracy

February 11th 2009, by Samuel Grove - Red Pepper Venezuela Blog

In a recent online debate about the 10th anniversary of Hugo Chávez's presidency in Venezuela Francisco Toro described what he saw as the corrupting of Venezuela's democracy and general descent into authoritarianism. While Toro's conception of democracy appears at first glance to be an orthodox one, on closer inspection it becomes highly idiosyncratic and sheds a great deal of light both on the democratic revolution taking place in Venezuela and the type of opposition it has had to confront.

The ‘anti-democratic' charge is one frequently levelled at Chavez by commentators and groups (and more controversially an international human rights organisation). However, it has to be conceded, even by those making this charge, that it is counterintuitive to say the least. Under Chavez, Venezuelans have gone to the polls a record number of times. In the most recent municipal elections Chavez's PSUV received an impressive 52.5% of votes cast and won 17 of 22 governorships in the process. Participation was 65% (unheard of in western democracies for this type of election), a figure which tallies with recent findings of the respected polling agency Latinobarómetro which reported that satisfaction with democracy in Venezuela was the second highest in the region. So the anti-democratic charge has nothing to do either with the degree of public consultation or public endorsement.


Grove goes on to absolutely dismantle the trumped up corpo/fascist media charges against Chavez. It is a brilliant piece - highly recommended.
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 08:49 AM
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4. The Mighty Wurlitzer never gives up. nt
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