Finding a way to salvage America
By Sen. Mark Udall
Posted: 02/17/2009 12:30:00 AM MST
President Barack Obama chose Colorado to sign critical legislation aimed at saving our economy. It's a big day for Colorado and a bigger moment for America — one tinged with hope.
Before Congress passed a $787 billion tax cut and spending package to jump-start our failing economy, I heard from many Coloradans concerned about the size and effectiveness of this legislation. I understand their skepticism. We are charting new and unprecedented territory.
With a bipartisan coalition of senators, I worked to pare down the bill to reach a working compromise. I also fought to improve accountability and ensure stronger oversight.
While the package is far from perfect, I voted for it because our economy desperately needs an injection of public spending to spur job creation, retain existing jobs, and provide new incentives for consumer spending and business investment.
In politics as in life, it is often easier to say no and claim high principle than to say yes to an imperfect compromise. I would never abandon core convictions or moral principles, but the fight in Congress over the right kind of economic stimulus is different. The debate involved economic theory and the wisdom of "trickle-down" tax cutting versus deficit spending.
This ongoing debate is important and ought to continue, but there inevitably comes a time for decision. So President Obama was right to reach out to Republicans to craft a final bill. But he was also right to cut through the ideological fight many Republicans wanted to have, and insist on legislation big enough to salvage 3.5 million jobs and provide tax relief to most Americans.